Service Writs

Service writs are legal orders issued by a court that command an individual or entity to perform or refrain from performing a specific act. These writs are crucial tools in ensuring compliance with judicial decisions and protecting the rights of individuals. Our service writ practice offers comprehensive legal support and representation in obtaining and responding to various types of writs, including:

  1. Writ of Habeas Corpus: Ensuring that individuals unlawfully detained or imprisoned are brought before the court to determine the legality of their detention.
  2. Writ of Mandamus: Compelling a government official or entity to perform a mandatory duty correctly and lawfully when they have failed or refused to do so.
  3. Writ of Prohibition: Preventing a lower court or government agency from acting beyond its jurisdiction or exceeding its authority.
  4. Writ of Certiorari: Requesting a higher court to review the decisions and proceedings of a lower court to ensure proper application of law and justice.
  5. Writ of Attachment: Allowing a court to seize a defendant’s property to secure a judgment or claim before the final judgment is rendered.
  6. Writ of Execution: Enforcing a court judgment by authorizing the seizure and sale of the debtor’s property to satisfy a monetary judgment.
  7. Writ of Possession: Granting a party the legal right to take possession of a property or asset, often used in eviction cases or property disputes.

Our skilled legal team is dedicated to providing expert guidance and representation in all matters related to service writs. We understand the complexities and nuances involved in obtaining and responding to writs and are committed to ensuring that our clients’ rights are protected throughout the process. Whether you need assistance in filing for a writ, challenging a writ, or understanding your legal options, we are here to provide the support and advocacy you need to achieve a favorable outcome.

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Business Conference
15-18 December

New York City